PATHANAMTHITTA,  Kerala, South India - 689 645.


Contact:  +91 9447440004

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Making Your Dream Smile Come True
Having a flawless, natural-looking smile changes the way people think about themselves. It gives them a boost of confidence, they smile more, feel more outgoing, and suddenly new opportunities start to come their way.

We take the time to ensure that each of our patients is given a thorough examination and detailed explanation of your dental needs. We offer dental care that is customized to meet  your personal priorities and choices. We look forward to having you as member of our practice.

It is our mission to offer you and your family the finest dentistry available-delivered with compassion in the most comfortable setting, with a commitment to excellence in service and patient care.


What type of smile do you have?

Walk up to a mirror mounted on a wall. Do not use a hand held mirror. Smile at yourself. Now look again and think of a funny moment in your life. Is you smile different this time? Usually it is. This is called your 'funny smile' because it is the one which you show when you hear or see something funny. It is a much larger smile than when you pose, especially when you are not happy with your teeth. However, when your teeth are improved, your big 'funny smile' returns, and you look great! O.K., now let's figure out what's holding your smile back...what it is that bothers you about your teeth.



  • Are there spaces between your teeth?

  • Are your teeth dull, dark, or stained?

  • Are they crooked, misshapen, or out of line?

  • Do you show too much gum tissue?

  • Are your gums irregularly shaped, higher on some teeth, lower on others?

  • Are your teeth too small or too large?

  • Are the edges of your teeth (as a group) too long or too short?

  • Do your teeth slant one way or another?

  • Is the midline of your two front teeth centered with your face and nose?

  • Are the edges of your canines too pointy or too flat?

  • Are the biting edges worn down?

  • Are any of your teeth missing?

  • Have your gums receded?

  • Are any ugly dental fillings showing?

  • Do any old or recently crowned teeth not match your natural teeth?

  • Are any of your teeth that have silver fillings stained blue or gray?

If you answered YES to ANY of the above questions, you can be helped by cosmetic dentistry.


 A complete dental treatment centre meeting international standards. Air-conditioned treatment room. TV, channel music, periodicals, reference books etc in waiting area and treatment room. Fully computerized patient record maintenance. Track record of more than 15 successful years. Over 35000 satisfied new customers and over 170000 consultations. More than 80% of the new customers are referred by our satisfied existing customers. Maximum attention for customer retention. Periodic training for Doctors and staff members for constant updating. A large number of Foreign and Non resident Indian customers visiting regularly since 1994, for periodic examinations and maintenance of good oral health.  High sterilization standards (autoclaving) and usage of disposables where ever possible.

Working Hours

9:30 AM to 5:30 PM 


2:00PM to 3:30PM


© Kolabhagathu Dental & Orthodontic Speciality Centre
Reproduction or republication strictly prohibited without prior written permission

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